Safe and secure, our homes are our greatest sanctuaries, and yet around 85,000 break-ins are attempted in Germany every year. To ensure that they are not successful, a property needs to be well secured. And so WAREMA is introducing the SenSigna early warning system that protects against intruders by emitting a loud signal when it detects atypical movements of external venetian blinds.

The acoustic signal transmitter records and evaluates every movement by an external venetian blind. If an intruder tries to tamper with the blind, it will move differently than when used as normal or affected by the weather. SenSigna recognises this difference and sounds the alarm at around 90 dB. This drives away potential trespassers before they can damage the facade. and lets occupants and neighbours know that something is happening.

SenSigna can be added on to all common external venetian blind systems and slat geometries without any additional planning. On site, it can be integrated inconspicuously into a recess in the bottom rail that is prepared during manufacture, securing it against sabotage. It also comes with its own power supply, making it independent of the electricity grid and suitable for retrofitting – in this case, it is simply mounted on the underside of the rail.

SenSigna is easy to use with two LED push buttons that are protected against tampering via an individual code. The acoustic signal is emitted via an integrated loudspeaker.

In addition to protecting against burglaries, SenSigna also provides obstacle detection. If the external venetian blind encounters an obstacle when being lowered, a signal is emitted at a reduced volume. This alerts the occupants to the problem.

Our new early warning system ensures that everyone always feels safe and comfortable in their familiar surroundings. Plan a bit more security with SenSigna from WAREMA.

Are you interested in external venetian blinds from WAREMA? Find out here about the different options and funding opportunities.

Make the most of our free services in WAREMA plus and purchase your new external venetian blinds from a WAREMA specialised retailer near you.