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Safety, function and design in harmony - our solutions for escape routes and emergency exits offer maximum protection. Convince yourself of our reliable systems and focus on functionality and safety when it comes to sun shading solutions in your building planning.
The requirements for emergency routes are increasing all the time, as are the requirements for sun shading systems. An escape door without a sun shading system would not only limit the appearance of the facade, it would also substantially limit the utility of the room.
We also abide by our quality standards internally and are certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015. This allows us to guarantee the highest levels of quality and safety, and use our many years of experience to deliver expert solutions that you can rely on. Don't compromise on safety – you can rely on the leading SunLight Manager, WAREMA.
Emergency power supply kit
Battery-operated emergency retraction system
Additional hand crank
Battery module UP
Basic product
Motor-driven sun shading system
Motor-driven external venetian blinds
Motor-driven external venetian blinds, window awnings and roller shutters
Motor-driven external venetian blinds and roller shutters
Motor-driven sun shading systems with direct current
Field of application*
Commercial or public buildings
2nd emergency route
Private, commercial or public building
1st and 2nd emergency routes
Residential buildings
2nd emergency route
Residential buildings
2nd emergency route
Residential buildings
2nd emergency route
Emergency situation
Power failure / fire / panic situation / smoke development
Power failure / fire / panic situation / smoke development
Power failure / fire / panic situation / smoke development
Power failure / fire / panic situation / smoke development
Power failure / fire / panic situation / smoke development
Automatically via building control system or, in the event of a malfunction, manually via emergency push button
Automatically via building control system or, in the event of a malfunction, manually via emergency push button
External venetian blinds: Lifting of the end rail
Window awnings and roller shutters: Manually using the belt
Manually via crank
Automatically via building control system or, in the event of a malfunction, manually via emergency push button
At least once a year by qualified specialist
At least once a year by qualified specialist**
At least once a year by qualified specialist**
At least once a year by qualified specialist**
At least once a year by qualified specialist** and additional battery replacement after 1000 operations or 2 years
in emergencies
(Reference height
2,200 mm)
approx. 35 - 65 secs***
approx. 2 secs
approx. 3 secs
approx. 120 secs
approx. 39 - 72 secs***
* Fields of application outside of this scope must be individually coordinated with the relevant planner.
** As part of the prescribed sun shading system maintenance.
***Time varies depending on product type and motor variant
Because there are no legal standards governing the shading of escape and emergency routes with sun shading products, the use of the aforementioned emergency route solutions must, with due regard to the fire safety concept, be clarified with and approved by the relevant authority (e.g., Section 66 MBO [German building regulations for the standardization of regional state building regulations]). Details about each individual product can be found in the current technical documentation.
Additional belt operation for emergency situations – which works independently of the power supply – is a particular asset offered by the SecuKit for window awnings and roller shutters. If the power goes out, the lowered sun shading product can be quickly raised by a few hand-pulls so that the emergency route out of the building remains clear. Using the belt temporarily will have zero influence on motorised operation under normal circumstances. This means that no resets are necessary and the settings will remain unchanged.
- Uniform running behaviour for all sun shading products
- Up to three drives for each emergency power supply kit
- Continuous functional check
Specially designed for external venetian blinds, the battery-operated emergency retraction set from WAREMA guarantees an unobstructed emergency route to the outside in an emergency – manually triggered via a push button or automatically via the central fire alarm.
This proven safety solution comprises an auxiliary motor with separate connecting line in the top rail of the external venetian blind and a battery-operated control. In order to guarantee constant safety, the intelligent controls check the function of all connected components, such as motors and storage battery, once a day.
- Autonomous and fail-safe
- Suitable for all slat types
- Triggering time approx. 1m/sec
Motor-operated sun shading solutions are practically a standard feature in today's new buildings. But what happens in an emergency if the power fails? WAREMA has got you covered with the SecuKit for external venetian blinds, roller shutters and window awnings.
In an emergency, the external venetian blind can be locked in a defined end position in a matter of seconds by manually lifting the end rail – independently of the power supply. After emergency operation, the SecuKit automatically resets without any action required by re-calibrating based on the upper and lower limit positions.
- No additional planning effort – no more thermal bridges
- Optically unobtrusive facade integration
Additional belt operation for emergency situations – which works independently of the power supply – is a particular asset offered by the SecuKit for window awnings and roller shutters. If the power goes out, the lowered sun shading product can be quickly raised by a few hand-pulls so that the emergency route out of the building remains clear. Using the belt temporarily will have zero influence on motorised operation under normal circumstances. This means that no resets are necessary and the settings will remain unchanged.
- Unobtrusive belt fixing inside the room without an additional belt winder
- Same movement behaviour as sun shading products without SecuKit
Available for motor-driven basic external venetian blinds, venetian blind window systems, top-mounted external venetian blinds for new buildings, top-mounted and external shaft venetian blinds with an area of up to 8.5 m2, depending on the type (max. stop height of 2,300 mm).
Available for motor-driven front-mounted awnings with easyZIP guidance (cover panel size 13) with an area of up to 7 m2.
Available for motor-driven front-mounted roller shutters, top-mounted roller shutters and top-mounted roller shutter for new buildings with an area of up to 5 m2.
External venetian blinds or roller shutters with motor operation can be manually operated via an additional collapsible crank in the event of power failure or fault, thus quickly and easily clearing the emergency route to the outside.
The battery module UP is suitable for installation in a flush-mounted box. In an emergency, it ensures safe raising of the sun shading system shutter with direct current drive. The battery pack guarantees an unobstructed emergency route outside, even in case of power failure.
- Compact design for installation in a flush-mounted box
- Incorrect operation impossible
Minimising the risk of fires and toxic combustion gases poses a challenge even during the early planning stages for a building. The fabric SecuTex A2 specially developed by WAREMA is non-flammable (building materials class A2) in accordance with DIN 4102-1. As a result, the sun shading system makes a major contribution to minimising the risk of fire.
The flame retardant fabric Soltis 92 corresponds to building materials class B1 as per DIN 4102-1. It directs daylight into the interior and at the same time reliably blocks out heat thanks to a high degree of reflection. The fabric also has low stretch behaviour.
The protect plug receiver is an important component of the lightning protection concept. If protects sun shading products from sustaining damage from an overvoltage by directing it inside the building.